2021-2022 Plainview School District
Return to School Plan
Revised 6/10/2021
Background: During the spring of 2020, COVID-19 broke out in the United States and in Oklahoma. This virus is easily transmitted from person to person. In response the following plan has been developed.
Introduction: In preparation for the implementation of the 2021-2022 school year, it will be necessary to look at multiple facets of the school environment. The first area of consideration will be school operations, followed by academics, family, and school personnel. Plainview Public Schools will consult with the Carter County Health Department and other health officials in all phases of planning.
Communication: To facilitate efficient communication with our Plainview Family, we will utilize a dedicated section of our district website for COVID-19 related announcements(www.plainview.k12.ok.us). The Plainview One Call system will be used to immediately communicate information related to school status and condition. Additionally, various social media outlets will be utilized for information dissemination as well.
Potential School Closures: Plainview Public Schools shall work alongside local health authorities to determine school closures due to COVID-19. Closures may be short- term, mid-term or long-term. Each closure will facilitate a different educational plan. Continued distance learning will be implemented during mid-term and long-term closures. Closures may be district–wide, site-based, or by classroom according to each case with guidance attained from the local health authorities.
School Operations: When discussing school operations, we must look at the context of the delivery methods to make decisions that will be appropriate and in the best interest of our students and their safety. Plainview Public Schools will have the potential for two distinct delivery methods in order to best serve our students educational needs.
Distance Learning-This delivery model will be the least facility operationally taxing, as the students will be learning via guided activities and software offsite. This may occur during times of a State of Emergency.
Onsite Instruction-This delivery model will be the traditional set for which our students are educated. This model will require the most thought in the school operations category, and it will sustain the most physical contact from students and staff. When discussing onsite instruction, the primary focus will be student safety from the current pandemic with COVID-19. Since the primary source of transmission of this virus is person to person, many modifications to onsite school procedures must be made.
Academics: Onsite learning will utilize a standard academic plan of direct instruction and interaction. Students will utilize a variety of academic materials to enable further understanding of topics and concepts taught. By offering in person learning for our students, we will continue to focus on strong relationships and instruction along with our expectation of deeper learning. Distance learning may be asynchronous (student and teacher not online at same time) or synchronous (student and teacher are online at the same time). Our primary learning management software will be Google Classroom, and it is within this general management system all our online learning activities will be communicated. A variety of additional resources will be incorporated to enhance our digital program.
Attendance: Students receiving onsite instruction will have attendance taken daily per district policy. If students are receiving distance learning instruction due to a state of emergency declaration for Carter County, attendance will be based on connection with their teacher each day.
Screening: Any student who is sent home due to fever will not be allowed back in school until one of the following: 1) 48 hours fever free without medication, have no other symptoms and must have no known exposure to COVID-19 2) if exposed to COVID-19, must follow current guidance from the Carter County Health Department including contact tracing and diagnostic testing. Isolation and quarantine will be directed through the Carter County Health Department.
Vaccinations: Vaccinations are encouraged but not required for those eligible. Vaccinations are available at the Carter County Health Department.
Social Spacing: Spacing in common areas will aid in social distancing. Changes in the classrooms for social distancing may include: reduced desk capacity, spacing and orientation of desks to all face forward, common materials moved out for additional space, cohorts, physical barriers, etc.
Masks: In compliance with Senate Bill 658, masks will not be required unless a State of Emergency is declared by the Governor and in consultation with the county and state health departments. If Carter County is declared a state of emergency, Plainview Public School will implement a mask policy in coordination with the local health department. Instruction in universal and correct wearing of masks will occur at that time. The CDC recommends all individuals wear a mask inside public school buildings.
Sanitization: Staff will clean the desk areas and commonly touched surfaces multiple times throughout the day. Students will be encouraged to use the water bottle fill stations instead of conventional drinking fountains. After the instructional day ends, all areas will be sanitized and cleaned thoroughly for the next day. Hydrostatic sprayers will be used in the evening to disinfect building areas.
Ventilation: UV sterilizers will be utilized when available. Mechanical systems will be adjusted to increase airflow and exchange when possible. HVAC systems may be replaced to upgrade filtration capability.
Etiquette: Students will be instructed on proper handwashing and respiratory etiquette. Hand sanitizer stations will be available and encouraged for use.
Visitors: For the safety and health of our students, visitors will be restricted. All visitors will be screened prior to being allowed access to the hallways or the building, if deemed necessary.
Student Services: In either an onsite or distance learning environment, student services will continue to support the needs of our students. Counselors and other special service personnel will be available for both onsite and distance learning time periods of our school year. Due to the uniqueness of the school year with COVID-19, the district’s crisis team will play an active role as the year progresses. We will continue to address the needs of the social emotional well-being of our students. Students with disabilities will be provided services based upon their IEP or 504 educational plan. Staff will continue to research best practice for supporting our students.
Athletics: Plainview Public Schools will follow the guidance of the OSSAA and our local health departments while supporting our students in their athletic and activity programs. These programs will be available as allowed by our current status with COVID-19.
Child Nutrition: We will continue to provide child nutrition services for our onsite students. In the event of district closure for medium or long term, we will provide grab and go lunches similar to what was provided during the 2020-2021 school year.
Transportation: Plainview Public Schools will continue transportation services during the 2021-2022 school year. Due to the insurmountable difficulty in social distancing on a school bus, it will be a parent and student decision as to whether they wish to take the risk of COVID-19 exposure to ride the bus. We will sanitize the buses during the week. When possible, all windows will be opened to allow for airflow through the bus.
School Personnel: School personnel will be expected to observe social distancing rules to the extent possible and to wear PPE when needed. When/if the district must close due to COVID-19, teachers will report to their buildings to implement the continuation of learning through our distance instructional plan unless health agency guidance is to the contrary.
Summary: The return to learn plan for Plainview Public Schools must be a fluid framework to allow flexibility when addressing unknown circumstances that will arrive during the 2021-2022 school year. Specific situational guidance will be issued through our One Call and website communication methods. We will continue to update our website with current information relative to our educational programs and the status with COVID-19. In the event of a school closure and transition to distance learning, teachers will use Google Classroom as an additional means to communicate directly with students and parents.
Updated 1.12.22